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Cheap inspired designer handbags


Fashionable Skin

Greetings Geek Purses wholesale readers! I am so very honored to do this wholesaleage blog. My name is Elle and I am a Beauty and Wellness blogger. While my forte’ is not in the ‘fashion’ of clothing wholesale, handbags cheap, and fashion shoes, per say- it is in the way we preserve and beautify our skin as the essential accessory.
Putting our skin in the fashion category may sound totally “outside the box”, but when you think of all things beautiful as you get dressed day in and day out, there is no doubt that the expectation on the way our skin looks and feels is right up there with the look and feel of our threads and accessories- if not more!
Categorized In 3 Ways:
Leather: When you think of the perfect accessory wholesale, most of us instantly think of a fabulous leather handbag wholesale. Now, by leather handbags cheap I of course don’t mean the “look of womens leather handbags ” from years of sun damage. It may be all Louis Vuitton’s fault, but nonetheless, it goes without saying. We expect the highest quality, supple and smooth leather handbags wholesale available to mankind. Our skin should mimic that same quality leather handbags discount !

Silk: Silk is a graceful, flexible, and luxury fabric- blissfully smooth to the touch. In terms of our skin’s texture- beautiful, glowing skin is flawless, silky smooth to the touch; and in the right light even gives off that silky-smooth feel. In addition, when our skin is flexible and supple, it doesn’t leave traces of fine lines and wrinkles- its perfectly smooth at rest.

Sexy Stilettos: In my opinion, there is no other accessory cheap that can match up to a sexy hot pair of fashion shoes! In the “sexy” department (at least visible to the public), it just doesn’t get any better. So how would our skin match up to a sexy stiletto!? Simply- Color and Complexion! Sexy skin is bright, rosy, and exudes health. Sexy skin doesn’t require a ton of makeup; it is just simply colorful and brilliant on its own. When skin has that yellowish tinge to it, it looks dull and lifeless- all signs of unhealthy insides. NOT sexy! In addition, when your skin is fresh and bright it makes you want to flaunt it- just like when you’re in hot sexy heels!

The Keys to Obtaining Beautiful, Flawless Skin:
Obtaining flawless skin may be easier than you think. Sure it can get complicated, but for all intents and purposes, I will give you the first basic steps:
1. Wash your face twice a day with a mild cleanser. ALWAYS wash your makeup off before bed!
2. Follow up with moisturizer.
3. Exfoliate 2-3 times a week.
4. Always use SPF 15 or higher when exposed to the elements.
5. Treat yourself to a facial once a month to clean out your pores and benefit from more intense treatments.
Of course, we can add in more advanced treatments and additional steps to the basics as I do on my blog, but for now this is a great place to start. So go on… put your best face forward into the world!

