Cheap inspired designer handbags

Cheap inspired designer handbags
Cheap inspired designer handbags

2011年4月21日星期四 Site Review: I Didn`t Even Know It Was A Replica!

My good friend Naomi pulled a fast one on me the other day and it all started with a little gift. She sent me a Fendi Classico in the mail with a little note: “For my sweet Bella – Because you deserve it girl!” Needless to say, I was totally flattered AND super excited. This is an excellent messenger style leather bag that is absolutely perfect for rocking that sexy-masculine look I talked about a couple of months ago. Anyway, I was just about to blog about the bag when she dropped the bomb on me: this Fendi is a replica Fendi handbag! I had absolutely no idea!!! I`ve been wearing it regularly and getting all kinds of great compliments. Nobody seems to know that it`s replica bag wholesale. Anyway, I thought I`d turn my piece about the designer fendi handbag into a little review of the replica site Naomi got it from – – and of the cheap handbag itself.
The Bag
As I said above, I had no idea that this fashion handbag was a replica handbag wholesale . I`ve been walking around NYC thinking it`s real! Hee Hee. Everything about this Classico is just as it should be for a Fendi bag store. These guys clearly do their homework. I rocked this bag outlet with black skinny jeans and a blazer the other day and, let me tell you, heads were turning (I know, I`m usually modest…but I felt so sexy!!!!). I`m in love with this totally chic bag collection and I don`t care that it`s not authentic in the slightest.
The Site
So, after Naomi let me in on her little gag, I went and checked out the site that she originally purchased the bag shop from and, I have to say, I`m impressed with their selection. They carry all of the classics (Birkins, Monogram Speedys and the like) and they have great collections from Fendi, Mulberry, Chloe and more. I`m eyeing a Miu Miu Quilted Hobo that I saw in their new arrival handbags section. Obviously they don`t have the latest Fall/Winter 2011/2012 bags, but they did have a bunch from the Spring 2011 collections which means a gal can shop replica and stay on top of the latest trends.
The best thing about this site is the pricing. You pay about a 5th of the original price on average. That means I can afford to buy 5 times my normal number of supplier bags!!!! I even used the live chat feature on this site to see if their staff actually know anything about supply handbags and I was pleasantly surprised when I found myself in the middle of a heated debate over who had the best collection of bags wide selection at Paris Fashion Week (I maintain that this LV really came through this year, Lily (the live chat rep) thinks wholesale Hermes).
Ok. So this site and this bag are great. I guess it`s time that Isabella get with the program and start saving mucho cash by buying replicas…at least once in a while. That`s certainly one way to help me afford all those pricey discount bags that I NEED NEED NEED!!

