Cheap inspired designer handbags

Cheap inspired designer handbags
Cheap inspired designer handbags


St. John Collection Illusion Plaid Chain Strap Purse

What the average woman knows about fashion label St. John can probably be summed up in two words: Angelina Jolie. The company not-so-quietly dismissed the actress as its spokesmodel last year when it decided that it wanted to focus more on the actual products and less on famous name attachments. That makes perfect sense to me, especially given the vast and impressive history of St. John. It’s been around since the 1960s, when it started as a small team of knitters (six, to be precise). It grew exponentially as decades passed, and eventually it became known for what it is today: a powerful luxury brand that outfits women in sophisticated attire, footwear and accessories.
Many may also not be aware of the company’s modest leather handbag wholesale collection. While it isn’t as heavily promoted as the clothing, the St. John handbag on sale collection is really gorgeous. This Illusion Plaid Chain Strap Purse wholesale illustrates that quite nicely, showing off a sleek, effortless silhouette that takes a sudden edgy turn with eyelash fringe-trimmed brass chains. The unique composition means this isn’t just a petite everyday pursed. Made of a rich wool blend that harks back to the company’s early days, this purse is small, but stunning. If you’re in the market for a worthwhile investment piece, give this a shot – no one will ever accuse a St. John creation of going out of style. Pre-order it now for $395 at

