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Cheap inspired designer handbags


Colorful Wayfarers: Trend Setter Sunglasses of Today

The wayfarer sunglasses designer became very popular in the 1960’s when everybody saw Audrey Hepburn and a host of other stars wear it. Its popularity waned in the 70’s but came back full blast in 80’s with Madonna, Jack Nicholson and other popular celebrities donning them on. These days wayfarers have adapted a new style and new design making it trendier for today’s public. The new colorful wayfarers are the trendiest sunglasses collection one can own these days. They incorporate the classic design with beautiful colors to make way for the trendiest design yet. These specs are made both for men and women, even children.
Classic Design
The wayfarer shades are characterized by a semi-trapezoidal to rectangular lenses and slightly angled frame. These frames are sturdy and doesn’t get bent out of shape mainly because these shades are made of plastic. This classic design makes men look more masculine while complementing the chic posh female feel when worn by the ladies. It also poses a laid-back and comfortable feeling, one makes you think of a suave individual when you see anybody wearing this type of shades.

Trendier Re-design
These days the wayfarer has been redesigned to fit the look many individuals of today are gunning for. The frames are now sleeker and they have lessened the angle of the frames. The wayfarer’s original look always had frames that had a dark tone, usually black or dark brown but these days, they have made available to the public colorful wayfarers that don on a variety of colors including funky ones in yellow, blue or red making the classic design look more fashion forward for today’s fashionistas. The new colored wayfarers makes one look more appealing and pleasant looking. It is actually one way of instantly glamouring up and boosting your confidence.


There are actually a host of eye wears that are readily available for anyone looking to glam up these days. Choose among the colorful wayfarers that you can find right now at your local eye wear store. You can also find these shades over the internet. Now if you are into selling shades, you can also find good discounts available on a variety of wholesale stores you can find over the net. Glam up, wear the colorful edition of this classic eyewear.

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