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Fashion Sunglasses for men and women suffice the argument: a distinction without a difference. Only because no matter what designers and manufacturers do or say, women, knowing how trendy they have became, can and will make all sports eye-wears glam like fashion sunglasses. In fact, the very thought of women in sports eye-wears or any men’s eyewear for that matter, even works like a compelling magic that makes women somewhat eye-catching for some men. It’s just sad that men can’t do the same for women’s fashion sunglasses supplier unless they are playing for the opposite team.
It used to be that the aesthetic difference between men and women’s sunglasses brand is how wide the supply sunglasses wrap around the face. Most men’s sports eye-wears are so wide that the temple tips of the sunglasses outlet are extending up to their temples; but looking at how huge women’s fashion sunglasses, that is no longer applicable. It used to be that men’s sports eye-wears use darker shades that completely block out any sunlight; but women’s fashion sunglasses online store also use darker tinting now, more than ever. My friend exclaims: Welcome to the new generation when women also suffers hangovers, sometimes more than men!
When we talk about human anatomy, men have bigger bone structures than women; which is why sports eye-wears and sunglasses’ vintage nose bridges for men have wider and most are adjustable like Men’s Aviators. Consequently, when looking at women’s fashion sunglasses for sale , you will notice that although the frames is so big it can cover half of their faces; the nose bridges are generally narrow.
So I feel that it is safe to argue that the distinction between fashion sunglasses discount and sports eye-wears is not merely on the design but on the primary purpose that it serves to either of them; or at least how men prioritize functionality over fashion. No offense meant girl friends! But you have to admit those mens sunglasses for sale and sports eye-wears focuses more on how they use them to perform certain functions and fashion is secondary; whilst women’s fashion sunglasses cheap has the primary purpose of not compromising our fashion sense and statements.
For me, what this really tells us is that as far as sunglasses wide selection are concerned, men unearth their confidence or machismo by wearing sports eye-wears that can emphasize their manhood and women's fashion sunglasses wholesale are used to bring out the fashionista in us.
When you are shopping for wholesale sunglasses, you will realize that most manufacturers advertises their products are unisex, because the world now challenges us to accept the equality of both genders, and because it’s easier to sell the product if you are aiming for both. Women's fashion sunglasses may not be as functional as most men would claim as well as men's sports eye-wears may not be as fashionable as some women would say; but gender is overrated. If you go shopping for fashion sunglasses shops or sports eye-wears online store ; when you're wearing it you feel that if fits you, your budget and your style or the purpose that it serve you; don’t even bother asking if it’s for men or for women. Satisfy your desire and buy it!
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