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Currently assessing his options and considering a couple of very promising scripts, Rupert loves taking advantage of being away from the cameras and chilling out in a pair of designer jeans and one of the latest cool t shirts.
His wife, Ballykissangel star Dervla Kirwan agrees, and thinks her man’s fashion eye is second to none. Well, second to none but her own at any rate. And she’s keen to give a little advice on which men’s fashion style suits Rupert for any given occasion.
Cool long sleeve t shirt rip curl
Long sleeve t shirts are very popular now among men in the know, and the long sleeves add that extra something over and above – often worn pushed casually up the forearm to signal that little extra relaxation.
100% pure cotton is the material of preference for long sleeve t shirts, as its wearability and durability perfectly complement the sturdier styles required. Quality pre-shrunk cotton t shirts just wear and wear without losing their shape, and remain colorfast for wash after wash.
And the range of colors for trendy t shirts is fabulous beyond belief. Whatever you want to wear with your t shirt, there’s a colour to match, but make sure you don’t go too bright, unless you want to stand out like a lighthouse.
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