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The beauty of emerald

So, why this gem is called grandma? Then the word was introduced into China, the Ming dynasty (1368-1398) written record, compose plow the), to help stimulate “wood”. Then deepening is “mother” or “emerald green.
The beauty of emerald, people have long realized that the value of it. In early BC is 2000 years ago, ancient Egyptian designer tiffany Bracelet  wholesale queen Cleopatra had many emerald. It is said that she has her name on the emerald mines. Today, at the red sea coast, people can also find that the mining site can no longer have different view green output.
Today, Tiffany jewelry sale emeralds were chosen for people born May, used to symbolize fortunately, happiness and youth.
Emerald in mineralogy in called “beryline” is a kind of beryllium aluminum silicate. It is colorless when pure, but in most cases, it would appear, light yellow light green and blue. Most of the tiffany jewelery on sale UK emerald green ha s an eye, but relatively rare in beryline a variety.
According to research, emerald green is beautiful, and Tiffany jewelry sale crystals wholesale trace of chromium and vanadium, especially with chrome plays a very crucial role. When the chrome oxide content reaches 0.15%, can be gained 0.20 percent – it’s with green, green, if the tiffany and co jewelry for sale crystals sale chrome oxide content up 0.6-0.5%, dark green. In addition, some other trace elements, such as vanadium, nickel, iron, manganese, bismuth, etc, while. They occur to the dozen emeralds, tonal changes in blue, green, yellow, green, brown, dark green, and Tiffany jewelry sale sale green, the same as in the most expensive green clear.
The ownership of the Tiffany jewelry sale jewellery emerald six, often with typical six concrete shape (namely the cylinder in Tiffany Bracelet free shipping hexagon shape). Hardness 7.5-8. 1.565 refractive index 1.598 -, there may be a moderately two color, i.e. a direction for thick green, another direction blue-green. From these indexes 0.014 dispersion, although it is not red, sapphire, more than diamonds, but it is an enchantment, green, make rare is one kind of gem. Since ancient times, it is with the diamond, ruby and sapphire and listed as a fashion Tiffany Necklaces world famous four gems. Some of the most high-quality emerald, price higher than normal diamonds.
Emerald has certain particular brittle fracture with Tiffany jewelry sale jewelry various sizes, so will ponder the cut into large particles of gem is not easy. Iran’s royal family had possession of the world total spirit is emerald, thousands of long, regardless of more than 50 carats. If the discount tiffany and co ten-day dimension crown with a weight is about 100 carat big emerald, and another heavy 65 carat, three smaller about 14 carat colorful emerald. In the royal throne, also with a greater weighed about 225 carat emeralds, another four separately 100-170 carat weight, and 35-90 carat stars in the world, is a large particle is the essence of the emerald.
In addition, some of the most famous museum discounts tiffany jewellery in the world also contains some view green treasures. Like a diamond in Moscow, Russia has a library of blue emerald green nearly flawless face carved stone, 126 carat, and Washington Smith museum boasts three Hudson is respectively 37.82 heavy carats, 31 carat and 21 carat gem. Emerald cut type, naturally, these are very rare treasures. And in the market, most emeralds rarely more than one carat, even some heavy only 0.2-0.3 carat Tiffany jewelry sale wholesale gem is also used cheap tiffany for carving surface high-grade jewelry.
Without an emerald starlight gem effect, but it has a very special seemingly starlight gem of variant – trees skin make emerald.

