Cheap inspired designer handbags

Cheap inspired designer handbags
Cheap inspired designer handbags


This Chanel Zipped Quilted Lambskin Leather Tote Handbag Is Gross

Don`t get me wrong; I love Chanel handbags wholesale as much as the next girl, but sometimes they just make me mad. Take this wholesale Chanel zipped quilted lambskin leather handbags tote. Since when were saggy grey marshmallows considered stylish? Because that`s exactly what this Chanel handbag for sale looks like. Chanel store has produced some of the most iconic fashion handbags of all time, and they`re known for reinventing their old classics in fabulous ways season after season. But this particular take on the classic quilted leather Chanel handbag is just not good in my opinion.

The downfall of this particular wholesale Chanel zipped quilted lambskin leather handbags wholesale tote is the puffy handle. I`m sure it feels great to the touch, but they imbue the whole bag with a sort of bloated appearance. This isn`t even the puffiest Chanel handbag cheap has put out, but it exudes a swollen, grey, sick aesthetic that isn`t exactly sexy. Perhaps they should start marketing these as fashion handbags that double as leather couch cushions? If the womens chanel handbag had some more standard classy Chanel knockoffs handles, I imagine the bag wouldn`t seem so bloated. It would just look like a large, soft, albeit boring, Chanel tote.
At the end of the day, I have to forgive Chanel for this one. Chanel handbags discount have always been among my favorites and I`ll allow them to slip up once in a while. But you have to wonder…what were they thinking? Do you think I`m being too harsh or do you hate this Chanel shop zipped quilted lambskin leather tote as much as I do?

