Cheap inspired designer handbags

Cheap inspired designer handbags
Cheap inspired designer handbags


Gucci Techno Horsebit White Large Tote Handbag: Gaga Or Blah-Blah?

When it comes to new arrives Gucci handbags, out-there styles and edgy designs only go so far. At the end of the day, it`s got to be fabulous. Eccentric performers like Lady Gaga are so aesthetically successful because they—in the best of times—ride the line between crazy and cute, edgy and elegant, and cheap Gucci handbags are no different. The downfall of the wholesale Gucci Techno Horsebit White Large Tote is that it forfeits elegance in favor of eccentricity, and ends up just looking silly and junky as a result. Did I mention that I hate this womens Gucci handbag?

The only way this Gucci leather handbag could possibly look good is if you squint really hard to make all of the ghastly details disappear. The basic elements of this bag are totally fine. Classic wholesale Gucci handbag. But what ruins it, is the awful conglomeration of “techno” flourishes that make this look like some bad sci-fi movie. The knotted strap is inventive, sure, but just adds to the horrible business of it all. The bamboo-topped tassells would be nice if they weren`t attached to such a hideous leather handbag.
Sometimes designers make bold design moves and strike gold with something that just works. The wholesale Gucci Techno Horsebit is one of those unfortunate cases of too much weird, not enough fabulous. Don`t get me wrong. I`m not a conservative discount chanel handbag traditionalist. But sometimes big fashion houses surprise me with just how tasteless they can be! For shame, Gucci handbags store For shame. Do you think I`m being too harsh? Something about this Gucci handbag for sale just rubs me the wrong way—in a big way. But that`s just my opinion. What do you think? Is it Geek or is it Chic?

