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T shirt printing: “Calling Doctor Aquaman!”

When you see the printing of t shirt, what will you think about? This funny pattern is from a cosmetic.

What happens to the poor fish of the seven seas that turns injured or ill? Are they left to float and flounder on the choppy waters, unattended and uncared for? Not if Aquaman can be any helpful to it! For the Sea Sovereign manages a special shelter underwater and clinic for his finny friends—and they can easily to get all the medical suggestion they need by…CALLING DR. AQUAMAN!

The above panel (and quote) is from Adventure Comics #188, published by DC Comics in May, 1953. This wounded octopus might be Topo, Aquaman’s constant cephalopod companion in the Golden Age. (One day I’ll write up a full profile on Topo…one day). I’m not quiet sure what sorts of injury he could have sustained that would ask for treatment with splint, but he sure doesn’t look happy!

I can relate, in fact. It is one month today since I had surgery on my thumb, and I am still unable to use my right hand for much of anything. Sure, there has been some refinement over the past 4 weeks—such as, I was able to tie my shoes last week!—but I don’t even have all the stitches out yet. It could barely bend at the knuckle, and I can’t grasp or pick anything up with that hand. And, worst of all, I have to type left-handed! Maybe it is time to call Dr. Aquaman…

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