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The police, show your t shirt

Police, show your t shirtAccording to the AFP reports, a 36 year old male, creator of the clothing brand BAK 93, whose slogans are the police, was found Thursday by the Tribunal de Bobigny for "contempt" to a police officer and "provocation."
Stephane Da Silva was arrested on October 12, 2006 during a vehicle check, to Drancy Seine-Saint-Denis. He was wearing a T-shirt brand, with a skull with two crossed arms. The passenger, a friend, was a similar T-shirt.
A t-shirt of the BakOther brand clothing made by Da Silva were the vehicle. Among the slogans: ""korompus "," khrcher squad Vice Squad,""bak".". Mr. Da Silva was charged with "contempt of a representative of public authority" and "provocation not given effect to the crime or offence". The passenger, who was absent during the trial, was accused of "insulting" and "complicity of provocation."
The prosecution requested three-month suspended sentence against Mr. Da Silva, and three months in prison for his friend, who had already entered the criminal convictions. "I have since 2000 a brand streetwear is the mirror of society around me,"he said to Mr Da Silva, said the city of La Courneuve 4000."" Nicolas Sarkozy, Minister of the Interior then said something controversial on "Karcher cleaning."
I then added "CORRUPT" slogan
Procedure was launched in 2002 against Mr. Da Silva, who led a nolle prosequi and the seizure of labelled T-shirts "cops Squad." "I then added 'corrupt' slogan, aware that there may be an amalgam".
His advice has been particularly highlighted that it was "free speech" and called the verdict of acquittal. The decision will be made on 16 September.

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