Cheap inspired designer handbags

Cheap inspired designer handbags
Cheap inspired designer handbags


Handbags and the Collection of the 2011 company

Louis Vuitton is a luxury fashion house that is known worldwide for its style, and designs. The House of Louis Vuitton got her start in Florence. The Italy in the early 1900 and is now one of brand names more recognisable today competitive luxury brand market. The brand Louis Vuitton is the second most recognizable brand in the world after LVMH. The company operates about 425 stores worldwide and also has his drawings in many high stores of range in the world.

The Mall outlet Louis Vuitton has gone through difficult moments and in the 1970s the company almost went bankrupt. But the company survived, and they built an empire that last year was more than 7 billion $ in the world. The company has an iconic image by several famous people who have used their products as Jacqueline Onassis. Grace Kelly. and Audrey Hepburn. They have helped make the company a luxury brand known. In the 1980s the brand also suffered the flood of cheap imitation act carried out in China. By the end of the 1980s, the company was a major turning point, and they were very profitable.
Two regions were Louis Vuitton backpack made a big impact is watches were they have acquired a licensee of Eve and they have also made a big impact perfumes. In 1998, the company has been appointed. Market of the "European company of the year" for its economic and financial impact to the European.
Louis vuitton Eugenie is generally associated with the pop culture of the 70's Sister Sledge today rap star who often mention Louis Vuitton words there.

